Embracing Change: How Yoga Can Support You Through Major Life Decisions

Jul 17, 2024

Are you feeling the pull for a major shift in your life? Maybe you're stuck in a job that no longer inspires you, contemplating leaving a relationship, or simply yearning for more fulfillment and purpose in your daily life. 

Whatever change you're considering, your yoga practice and the wisdom gained from yoga teacher training can serve as powerful tools to guide you through these transitions.

I’ve personally been on the precipice of a major life decision and some big shifts within my personal and professional life. Leaning into my yoga practice and the tools from TEW yoga teacher training have been invaluable. 


Here are three ways yoga can support you:


1. Discover Your True Self

Yoga is a journey of self-discovery. Through deep self-reflection and guided practices, yoga helps uncover your authentic self, what brings you joy, and your deepest desires. This clarity empowers you to live authentically and pursue your passions with purpose.

  • Stillness and Inner Wisdom: Yoga provides a space for stillness. In this stillness, your inner wisdom (intuition) can be heard, guiding you towards your true path.
  • Pranayama (Breath Control): Practicing pranayama directly calms the central nervous system (CNS) and slows down your brainwaves, allowing the endless stream of thoughts in your mind to finally subside.
  • Meditation: Meditation bridges the gap between your dreams and actionable steps in the real world, helping you create a clear vision for your future.

2. Build Confidence to Dream

Yoga reconnects you with your inner strength and courage, empowering you to dream big and set ambitious goals. You'll learn practical skills and techniques to navigate challenges with resilience and determination.

  • Trust and Intuition: Developing a relationship with your intuition strengthens your ability to trust yourself and make empowering decisions in your life.
  • Potential and Possibility: Accessing the space in between during meditation opens up your potential for what is possible. You no longer limit yourself to what you think is achievable.
  • Physical Strength and Growth: Building strength in your physical body shows you that growth and expansion are possible, first on your mat and then in your life.

3. Create Positive Change

Beyond personal growth, yoga equips you to inspire and uplift others. Becoming a certified yoga teacher allows you to share this transformative practice, making a meaningful impact in your community and beyond.

  • Holistic Transformation: Yoga creates change on a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual level. This change transfers from your mat into your day-to-day life.
  • Compassion and Empathy: The way you speak to yourself and others is transformed, developing compassion and empathy through your yoga practice.
  • Building a Yoga Tribe: As people witness your transformation, they’ll want to know what you’re doing. Before you know it, you’ll have a beautiful and powerful yoga tribe.


Yoga has been a cornerstone in my journey through major life decisions, providing me with the clarity, confidence, and compassion needed to navigate these changes. If you’re ready to embrace change and explore how yoga can empower you, dive deeper into your practice and see where it leads you.

With love and support,

Megan @theembodiedwarrior


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